With works developed in the Simulation Centre located at TELICE’s facilities in León, HÉCATE has explored the capacity for monitoring and analysis using Artificial Intelligence algorithms of the internal states of equipment in substations and auto-transformers. Additionally, the incorporation of a private permissioned blockchain has been prototyped to ensure the integrity and co-governance of the data of manoeuvres carried out in the systems as a result of maintenance actions or incidents.
TELICE’s experience in the development of innovative systems applied to railway electrification has been complemented, in this project, with the collaboration of the Institute of Technology of Castilla y León (ITCL), a technology centre located in Burgos, expert in cutting-edge developments in AI and neuromorphic computing.
HÉCATE offers a future path for the LIZARD FIELDED BY TELICE® product, opening the door to future implementations in sectors other than railways, such as renewable energies.