Home Especial CETEST monitoring systems and services

CETEST monitoring systems and services

por Patricia

CETEST, as an accredited laboratory, offers solutions both through the provision of testing services and through the provision of monitoring systems and/or services. Special systems have been developed for vehicle and infrastructure monitoring, such as, for example, vehicle dynamics measurements, wheel-rail contact force monitoring systems using instrumented wheelsets, monitoring of ride comfort parameters, contact forces for pantograph-catenary interaction, energy consumption or measurement of harmonics, among others.

These different systems have been installed in vehicles that circulate in different countries: Spain, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the United States, Turkey or New Zealand… Among customers, public administrations and operators (RDSO, Transnet, Metro Madrid…), engineering/construction companies (COPASA, Dogus, Yapi Merkezi,…), rolling stock manufacturers (CAF, Tesmec, ALSTOM…).

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