“In Denmark, we have large-scale railway projects underway”

Jan Erik Schneider-Tilli,  Programme Director de Banedanmark.

Mafex Magazine: Denmark is making strides in terms of railway matters with a clear backing for rail. How are the different initiatives performed?

Jan Schneider-Tilli: At the present time, there is an average investment level of approximately 1 billion euros annually for the overhaul of the railway network. These funds are set aside to increase capacity, modernisation and speed on the lines, to build new stations, as well as to implement programmes such as the one for electrification and the change of signalling systems.

Mafex Magazine: One of the major strides forward has been the first high-speed rail line in Denmark which came into operation in May 2019. How was this developed?

Jan Schneider-Till: The passenger line between Copenhagen -Ringsted is one of the most significant projects in terms of infrastructure in Denmark. The decision was made to build it in 2010 with a new layout and has been allocated 1,5 billion euros. It has a length of 60 kilometres on double track and features a modern and futuristic station. The line is designed to reach travelling speeds of up to 250 km/h. It is part of the traffic corridor serving Scandinavia and connecting Germany. With this new network, improved services, with more departures, reduced delays and shorter travelling times will be offered.

Mafex Magazine: Amongst the standout projects that are currently underway, we have the signalling project which will entail major changes. What does this programme consist of and how is it evolving?

Jan Erik Schneider-Tilli: With this programme, the aim is to seek the replacement of the entire signalling on the Banedanmark rail network. On the one hand, the main and regional lines (Fjernbane) are being fitted with the standard European system known as the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) level 2 baseline 3. On the other, CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) technology is being implemented on the S-Bane network in Copenhagen.

Banedanmark works intensely to deploy the new systems, although the adaptation of the Danish railway in a complex process. According to the current plans, implantation of ERTMS will continue until its completion in the year 2030. Amongst the advantages of this modernisation, it is worth highlighting that fewer delays will be recorded, timekeeping will improve, and greater travelling speeds can be reached. In parallel, planning will be undertaken on the implantation of the Unmanned Train Operation (UTO) system on CBTC lines in Copenhagen.

Mafex Magazine: One of the main initiatives is the electrification programme.

Jan Schneider-Tilli: This is a largescale project that encompasses the majority of the state-run Danish rail network. Through this project 1,362 kilometres will be electrified, with the majority being on double track.

As of today, 1.756 kilometres of track have already been electrified, amongst which are included the main stretch between Øresund and Padborg through Storebælt and Lillebælt, as well as the connection between Tinglev-Sønderborg and København-Helsingør.

Aside from this, the sections for København-Ringsted and Køge Nord-Næstved are also underway. During the coming years, work will begin on the networks for Ringsted-Holeby, Roskilde-Kalundborg, Fredericia-Aarhus, AarhusAalborg, and presumably also VejleStruer and Aalborg-Frederikshavn