IDOM Consulting, Engineering and Architecture engineering, has been consolidated in recent years as a leading company in the design of major European urban transport.
IDOM last successes was to have been chosen as designer of the Copenhagen LRT Ring 3. IDOM will be the designer of the winning builder group of CW-L Lyngy lot of 5.7 km long and the CW-VBG Vallensbæk/Brøndby/Glostrup lot of 12 km length. These two projects join the Odense tram project in Denmark where IDOM has performed preliminary design and detailed design project and has already begun construction in 2018.
IDOM has developed more than 839 km of urban transport lines in 45 cities and 22 countries, including professional services from previous studies (alternatives, demand, traffic, financial and economic studies), preliminary and basic designs, operation and maintenance plans necessary for the bidding of the works and in some of them including the follow-up of the works and tests