CAF LeadMind Platform provides a new generation of connected trains and more competitive services to operators and maintainers of the railway industry through the collection, storage, processing and advanced analytics to support real time decision making and advance towards condition based / predictive maintenance. LeadMind: 1. Provides a modular, open and scalable product, customizable according to client’s needs. 2. Delivers insights in a friendly format and a powerful tool to ease the decision making process. 3. Increase efficiency in operation and maintenance (reducing LCC, improving fleet availability and root cause analysis, reduction of repeated failures…)
4. Eliminates black-boxes by mixing all the data of the railway ecosystem. 5. Complies with modern Cybersecurity standards.
Projects: Amsterdam Trams, Flytoget, Brussels Metro, Nothern Arriva, Transpennine Express, NS, Metro Chile, Euskotren, SAR, Trenitalia Locos…
Leadmind, caf digital train