Home Mafex reports Mafex named Scientific and Technological Agent in the category of Supply/Demand Intermediation Agent by the Basque Government, thus becoming part of the Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network

Mafex named Scientific and Technological Agent in the category of Supply/Demand Intermediation Agent by the Basque Government, thus becoming part of the Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network

por Patricia

Mafex has recently been accredited as a Scientific and Technological Agent in the category of Supply/Demand Intermediation Agent by the Basque Government, thus becoming part of the Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network.

The Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network (RVCTI) was created in 1997 and it integrates research, development and innovation entities that work as a network in the development of R&D&I activities, through specialised and excellent research contributing to the creation of wealth and well-being in the Basque Country.

As a Supply/Demand Intermediation Agent, Mafex will carry out intermediation tasks between the technological offer and the business technological demand present along the entire value chain of R&D. Together with the rest of the Agents and following the strategy of the PCTI 2030, it will contribute to the achievement of the objective of  advancing in the added value process to the different economic and social sectors supporting the concentration of resources in research areas where there are clear synergies with the existing and potential productive capabilities  of the Basque Country (RIS3 strategy).

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