Home Mafex reports Mafex travels to Argentina and Uruguay

Mafex travels to Argentina and Uruguay

por Patricia
Mafex viaja a Argentina-METROVIAS

The main railway agencies of argentina and uruguay show a great interest for the spanish railway technology.

A delegation of Spanish companies traveled with Mafex in the month of March to Argentina and Uruguay. During the first stage of the displacement, the Spanish representatives met with senior officials of the Administración de Trenes Argentinos Infraestructura (ADIFSE), Trenes Argentinos Operaciones (SOFSE) and members of the Ministry of Planning (Ministry of Transport). Likewise, the working agenda included meetings with Subterráneos de Buenos Aires, Metrovías and Trenes Argentinos Cargas, among others.

In Uruguay, the Administración de Ferrocarriles del Estado (AFE), CFU and the Ministry of Transport and Public Works received with great interest the Spanish railway delegation. This delegation was undertaken at a key moment in boosting the railway as a transport means in both countries. On one hand, Argentina plans an investment in this sector until 2023, amounting to 14,187 million dollars (13,200 million Euros). In its turn, Uruguay also plans to recover the railway, to strengthen multimodal links and to promote freight transport and modernization of existing infrastructures.


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