MAFEX´s X anniversary

Spanish railway companies and public institutions celebrate the tenth anniversary of the constitution of Mafex.

The Spanish Railway Associa­tion held on September 16th 2014, the tenth anniversary of its creation in the same place where thirteen companies initiat­ed on September 16th 2004, this road to boost the internationaliza­tion of the Spanish railway sector. Mafex currently has 72 members; each of them had a turnover of 181 million in 2004 and reached 4,000 million euros in 2013.

The celebration, which coincided with the general assembly of the Association, was attended by rail­way administrations and industry organizations such as Renfe, Ala­mys, Icex Spain Exports and Invest­ment and ADIF, whose president, Gonzalo Ferre, conducted the closing ceremony of the celebra­tion. The event, attended by the majority of members of Mafex, allowed recalling the trajectory of the association and its achieve­ments to date, representing and promoting abroad an industry which is innovative, with a strong technology component and that is capable of showing a Spanish railway model that is recognizable and exportable.

During the celebration, the three presidents that Mafex has had were honoured, as well as thirteen founding members of the Associa­tion. The help and support of in­stitutions and administrations in the sector, especially from agen­cies such as Icex Spain Exports and Investment and the Spanish Com­mercial Offices in the world, also acquired a special mention in the event.

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