New applied technologies for the management of railway infrastructures

To manage Lines 3 and 6 of the Santiago Metro (Chile), Idom has developed a web-based application for the management information on expropriation and affected services

This application allows real-time access from any location using a connected device (tablets, mobile phones, PCs, etc.). In this way it is possible for all persons working on the project (Idom staff, client or contractors) to search for and access all the information related to the project.

The application has been created by and for Idom, based on the usual needs of these types of projects using the latest web development techniques (Django, PostgreSQL, HTML5…). It is therefore possible to make tailor-made adaptations for specific situations.

It allows a great fluidity in the flow of information as it is possible to collect the data directly on-site in the field (with tablets or mobiles), and take geo-referenced photographs…

The information can be consulted through various types of searches including geographical location maps (GIS).

It is possible to automate processes such as report generation (spreadsheet or PDF) for their later processing. These documents are stored in an external document manager (Alfresco) which can also be consulted via the Internet. In short, the client can, at all times, check the progress of the work.

IDOM Geotechnical module: The application has modules for the management of geotechnical data such as that produced from probes and gauges. Data gathered on the ground are stored, including photographs of the site, devices…, geo-referencing everything. In addition, the calculated geotechnical parameters are included.IDOM expropriations and affected services module: This module allows the information of all sites affected by expropriation to be stored, including cadastral data and geo-referenced photographs. Geographical searches can be made, by owner, sections, value…