Home Especial An agenda with all the current issues

An agenda with all the current issues

por Julian

From digital transformation to freight transport, rail live! 2023 will analyse in detail the most current issues in the railway sector, such as:


The railway is a very sustainable mode of transport due to its ability to move large numbers of people and the use of renewable energies. However, challenges remain around diversifying energy efficiency, choosing materials and adapting to changes caused by climate change. The “Energy and Climate Resilience” part of the congress will address key issues around decarbonisation, climate resilience and adaptation strategies, the circular economy and energy diversification in the railway sector.


Digital Transformation will encompass the key digital products and innovations that continue to push the boundaries of the railway industry for better, more efficient and cost-effective performance.

From the latest uses of GIS and digital twin that revolutionise railway infrastructure projects to new predictive maintenance capabilities that give us greater insights. The key topics of this part of the congress agenda will be “Digital Twins” and the creation of large-scale models, current and future GIS case studies, emerging infrastructure and building technologies, development of predictive maintenance capabilities, accessing and making the most of Big Data, promotion of digital innovations in the railway, drone and satellite technology and



The progress of the railway around the world continues strengthening steadily. Proof of this are the large investments being made to expand passenger and freight transport. Rail Live! It will dedicate a series of specific sessions to the mega projects currently underway on several continents. The new and innovative financing models being implemented by institutional investors to ensure the necessary funds are accessible to the railway will be explored, while learning the details of some of the largest projects and best practices.


Railway infrastructures are under great pressure to optimise their capacity and reliability while reducing costs. The new technologies, advancements in materials and industry solutions make it possible to talk about smart infrastructures. The weight of all these developments will be elaborated on in a wide range of presentations within Rail Live! An extensive topic that covers aspects such as innovations in track assembly, turnouts for freight trains or real-time monitoring with artificial intelligence (AI).


Smart cities are starting to become a reality. The use of information technologies (IT) and communications (ICT) allow to interconnect all services and processes and also to ensure their energy, environmental, economic and social sustainability. Discovering the future of mobility, active travel, MaaS and multimodal travel will be situations that the attendees will be able to enjoy at this summit.


Metro and light rail systems are part of the backbone of sustainable mobility in cities. As they grow and expand, their importance in ensuring ease of access and convenience is increasing.
The congress will analyse how these systems can be made more accessible and integrated with other modes of transport to encourage the use of public transport over private vehicles.


To reach net-zero emissions, the freight transport sector urgently needs to increase the use of rail and intermodal solutions. The congress will explore solutions to the main challenges, as well as the technology, regulation, business planning and collaboration.


Safety has always been a priority of the railway industry. Today, this priority has expanded far beyond the physical and into the digital realm. The safety, security and cybersecurity summit will explore a holistic view of safety to discuss how the railway can be guaranteed as the safest method of travel thanks to the track and level crossing safety, staff training and management, and the new cybersecurity directives, among other topics.


The Spanish symposium is an opportunity for the national public to learn first-hand about the projects and areas of innovation of the collaborating entities participating in Rail Live. Each entity organises interactive sessions in which it involves the entire supply chain to showcase the most relevant and pioneering issues in the Spanish railway sector, as well as its organisations.


State-of-the-art railway controls and innovative signalling systems are at a crucial moment in their development. The roll-out of ERTMS and of cutting-edge signalling and telecommunications systems, which aim to revolutionise track capabilities, continues to accelerate, while the industry debates how best to work towards interoperability. The space dedicated to signalling and train control will present key case studies and a long-term vision to help us understand what the future of train signalling and control looks like.

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