From digital transformation to freight transport, Rail Live! 2023 will explore all aspects of the railway industry. In nine “summits” over three days, where representatives of administrations, operators, and national and international organisations as well as the industry will debate in Madrid about the present and future of the railway.
Numerous topics will be discussed by the speakers during the various conferences. They will focus on 5G, accessibility, architecture and design, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous vehicles, blockchain, connectivity, future stations, IoT, and drones among others. Those in charge of breaking down these topics will be the main representatives, both from public administrations and railway network operators, as well as from specialised companies in each of the subsectors that will present their latest developments and solutions.
Spanish Symposium
Spain is one of the main international benchmarks in railway transport, which has one of the most modern and extensive high-speed networks and numerous metro and tram systems in the different regions. As the host country of this important international professional platform, the Rail Live! 2023 congress wanted to include a special section to learn more details about the present and future plans of the participating entities where Mafex will represent each of them.
“Adaptation to climate change. Resilience of ADIF infrastructures”is the topic to be presented by ADIF in this edition. Renfe, for its part will reference “Renfe towards Digital and Sustainable Mobility”. Metro de Madrid will act as moderator of a panel which will deal with the following topic “Novelties, latest developments and functionalities of Rolling Stock”. Mafex will moderate a panel with with three of its members, Alstom, Talgo and Idom, where they will present what is required to be part of their value chain. Finally, the Spanish Railway Foundation will moderate a panel together with other technological platforms to highlight the the transversality of technologies. To close the event, Icex España Export and Investment will moderate a panel on “International international financing instruments for Railway Projects”.
Talent, one of the protagonists of the congress agenda on 1st December
The railway, due to its many environmental, efficiency and safety advantages, is key to the promotion of sustainable mobility. And in this process, it is very necessary to have professionals to help implement new developments, strengthen innovation, and move towards the digitalisation of the industry.
Progress in terms of green mobility is linked to the creation of jobs in all subsectors, as well as the incorporation of new profiles specialised in sustainability, the environment, blockchain, telecommunications, cybersecurity, operators, assistants, new construction modelling methodologies, etc. All of these are fields with great employment prospects, together with human resource management, corporate social responsibility, or digital marketing, among others.
The challenges are multiple, and it is necessary to have professional profiles that contribute their qualities, specialisation, and know-how to the development of the railway.
For this reason, on 1st December the congress agenda will feature several panels where experts from the sector will discuss topics related to talent such as: How to make the railway an attractive sector for employment? And where presentations will be given on the “Key competencies needed by the sector” as well as “Turning the railway into an attractive and diverse professional option for talent”.
One of the objectives is to set out the framework for a fruitful collaboration between the railway industry, academic institutions, and governments to attract and retain talent.
In addition, there will be an area where companies will be able to present their employment opportunities and the type of profiles they require to complete their teams.