The general assembly of the Association of the European Rail Industry was held during june 17- 19 in bucharest.
Another year, UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Industry, held its General Assembly held in Bucharest, Romania, from the 17th to the 19th of June.
Throughout the three days, representatives of European associations and companies had the opportunity to participate in various panel discussions with leading members of the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), the Regional Policy (DG Regio) and the Industry and Entrepreneurship (DG GROWTH), among others.
The topics discussed were those that most affect the railway sector, including investment plans of the European Union (Juncker Plan, PPPs and other European funds), ERTMS developments or Community Transport Policy (Fourth Railway Package, the review of the White Paper on Transport, etc.).
MAFEX, as a member of the European Association, participated throughout this year in meetings of the Committee of National Associations and the Committee on Trade and International Affairs, where vital issues not only in Europe but globally are treated, such as trade negotiations of the EU with third countries to encourage the presence of the European railway industry in those markets where penetration is more difficult.