Home Especial ZELEROS: Hall 4.2 / Stand 238

ZELEROS: Hall 4.2 / Stand 238

por Patricia

Zeleros is the European company based in Spain leading the development of a scalable hyperloop system. Zeleros’ unique technologies integrated in the vehicle radically reduce hyperloop infrastructure costs per kilometer. The system shortens path-to-market and offers a straight certification journey thanks to its operation at aviation pressure levels, using vastly proven safety systems for airplanes and railway. The company mobilizes more than 180 people worldwide, working with world-renowned leaders in the railway, infrastructure, aviation and energy sectors such as Renfe, Airbus, Acciona, Arcelormittal, Red Eléctrica de España, Capgemini Engineering, EIT Innoenergy, CAF Group, among others.

◗ press@zeleros.com
◗ www.zeleros.com

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